How to Prepare for Glass Painting

How to Prepare for Glass Painting


Glass Painting is also known as by Stained Glass or Glass Art, these stained glass paintings are mainly used for windows. Glasses are come in different varieties and design. Glass Painting is easy and anyone can do it. Nowadays it is very easy to paint glass with new techniques and tips. If you have a desire to make your glass items to a decorative and attractive item then it’s not so difficult for you. If you have empty jars, wine glasses, vases, glass bottles, candle holders, mugs and cups, glass windows etc., you can paint them for making decorative for the home.

Glass Painting is full of fun and creativity I promise you that you enjoying fully when doing this; another reason is that glass makes perfect canvas and smoothness for painting. If you worry that How to prepare glass for Panting or how to do glass painting and if you an unprofessional then don’t worry these steps helps you to preparing and painting on glass and become an artist within some weeks or months. It is very ancient art and in this era glass painting becoming more and more popular day by day.

1. Select Glass Painting Type

Glass Painting has many different types according to the colors and designs. Different techniques required for every type of painting. For your work select painting type, some glass painting types are given here such as mostly used glass paintings are Reverse Glass Painting and Stained Glass Painting. Some other types are Air Dried Glass Paintings, Traditional Glass Paintings, and Fire Glass Paintings etc.

2. Clean Glass

It is not so difficult to clean glass, only required is nail polish remover or use warm water and soap it makes glass fully free of dirt or remove any other spots and make glass ready for the painting.

3. Select Glass Painting Pattern

You can select Patterns from online or from other sides and trace pattern on the surface of glass with the help of paper. First check glass size, then cut the sheet paper and then draw design on paper.

4. Glass Liners

After selecting pattern and tracing it on paper use glass liner for making outline on glass. Black Glass Liner has most clearance.  After that give time to dry pattern on glass up to 4 hours.

5. Right Colors

When choosing right colors, take a color palette in your hand and see the colors or color combinations in it, if you are a great imagines than you imagine the colors of your choice which suits your glass painting or follow the same colors of your pattern/design.

6. Select Right Paint Type

There are three types of glass paint such as Decorative glass paint type provides color combination, wide range of colors, excellent coverage, highly-pigmented. Folk art glass paints are the true artist paint type these are highly pigmented and provide perfect coverage, no need to prep needed.  Vitrea by pebeo glass paints have great transparency, shimmering and provide frosted finishes, you can make different types of designs with these paint type. They are water based and provide bright colors, color combination and drying time is up to 30 hours.

7. Select Paint

Paints are different for every purpose and same condition is applying here. Acrylic paints are thick therefore there only one or two coat is enough to paint glass and acrylic paints provide perfect coverage on canvas. Enamel Paints are available in many colors and these also good to painting on glass. Oil-Based stained glass paints are also provides excellent coverage on glass and available in many colors. Glass Paints are best for non-porous coverage, and provides transparency, microwave protective, and easier to compare other types of paint.

8. Paints Diluted

Water-Based paints are diluted with water, drying time is up to 30 minutes and non water based paints are diluted with ceramic thinner; drying time is up to 2 hours.

9. Get Right Brush

For a suitable painting you can want a right brush which helps you a lot for doing glass painting perfectly without any hindrance. Soft bristle brush or sable hair brush is best to use on glass painting. If providing different shapes than use flat for filling shapes, angular brushes for making lines, flowers etc. Special acrylic brushes are available in market for providing perfect for glass coverage; these brushes are presented by Loew-Cornell.

How to Prepare Glass for Painting

10. Wet Tissues or Soft Cloth

If you do any mistake while painting than immediately rub it with wet tissue or with soft cloth clearly. But as you know in this world no body is perfect therefore a little bit imperfection is always happened from everybody. After finishing and removing/clearing mistakes give time to dry for several hours or one and two days.


Be Patience and make preparing for glass painting clearly. Follow the steps for doing glass painting perfectly with using right material because the correct material is the basic of glass painting. And don’t over stroke of brush at one place. If any mistake occurs clearly remove it without leaving any dark spot on glass surface.


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